Home care

уход за лицом в домашних условияхTo preserve youth, to remain attractive and desirable throughout life is the dream of any woman. But, having crossed the thirty-year mark, women begin to notice the first wrinkles, swelling, signs of fatigue on their faces. For many, this leads to a state of despair or deep depression. But is it worth it to be so upset? Perhaps the situation can be corrected?

Changes in the skin are primarily due to the fact that at this age, the process of cell regeneration is significantly reduced, the synthesis of collagen and elastin slows down, so the skin loses its tone and becomes covered with wrinkles. Proper facial care after 30 should not only moisturize it, but also nourish, restore and protect. To maintain youthfulness, facial skin care must be constant, thorough and comprehensive.

Cosmetologists recommend adhering to simple rules, every day to devote yourself a few minutes in the morning and evening, and then the reflection in the mirror of a young thirty-year-old woman will only delight her.

1. Monitor the amount of fluid you consume. It is better to drink tea, kefir, juice or mineral water a few hours before bedtime. During this time, excess fluid will leave the body, and in the morning there will be no swelling on the face.

2. Take care of your face daily at home. Visit a professional beautician 1-2 times a month.

3. After the cleansing mask, it is very helpful to massage your face. It is performed along massage lines, in circular motions and lightly tapping with fingertips. Professional lymphatic drainage massage of the face, performed in the salon, increases microcirculation of blood in the vessels. Due to this, small wrinkles disappear for a while, the skin looks fresh and rejuvenated. Lymphatic drainage facial massage is performed in a course of 5-8 sessions.

4. Use a protective face cream daily to stimulate the production of collagen in the cells. Such creams not only smooth wrinkles, but also strengthen the lipid barrier of the skin, visibly improve the complexion. Women with dry skin need a nourishing cream containing vitamin F and antioxidant vitamins A, E, C. Such a face cream after 30 will not only relieve the feeling of tightness, but also relieve the skin from irritation.

5. At this age, it is very important to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet light, without causing perceptible discomfort, reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin, accelerates the aging process. Therefore, all cosmetics, including decorative ones, must contain SPF filters.

6. Choosing cosmetics, do not disregard face serums. They differ from creams in that they contain more active ingredients and quickly penetrate the skin. Everything is good in moderation, so serums should not be overused and used constantly. The ideal option would be to use the serum 3-4 times a week, for example, in the fall and spring. It is better to apply it under the cream twice a day.

уход за лицом после 307. Facial masks have a tremendous effect on the skin. They are of several types: cleansing, moisturizing, toning and restoring, lifting, rejuvenating. The components that make up the masks (usually collagen, elastin, vitamins, minerals and fruit acids) cleanse, nourish and regenerate the skin. Caring for oily skin, you cannot do without a clay-based cleansing mask. Do not abuse masks, and use them more often 1-2 times a week. The skin can become accustomed to the effects of large amounts of active substances and become unresponsive to them. The mask should be applied and removed very carefully, with light movements, without stretching the skin.

8. Care of the skin around the eyes requires special attention, especially after 30. The skin here is especially thin and delicate, it does not contain sebaceous glands and fat cells, so a special cream is needed for it. It can be of different types: cream for dark circles, cream for swelling, lifting cream, etc. Eye cream often causes allergic reactions, so it must undergo special ophthalmological control.

9. Care for problem skin of the face should include cleansing with a special antibacterial gel or foam, which will cleanse the skin and remove excess grease from its surface.

10. Taking care of your face after 30, do not forget about the skin of the neck and hands. They, just like the face, are the first to betray the female age.

A source: https://viatiara.com.ua/